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Saturday, July 30, 2005

Extract from some basic concept

This extracts were taken out from an Indian , Rationalist , Philospher . His name is M.N.Roy .. You can check in the internet and you can find his background in detail ... All the sentences put down here are from an extract taken from a book that was published from December 1 ,1943.
" This collection of short essays was written, as it were , by accident . It is a war-time production ; but i venture to think that it will not be as cheap as that . Upon the out-break of the war, Indian journals stopped publishing by political contributions , either on home or foreign affairs . That placed me in a war threatened me with starvation .But some friendly and sympathetic editors advised me to write on anything but politics . Presumably , they meant weather conditions , travel impression , domestic doings , or something harmless like that . But I am not as versatile as to compose readable essays on "anything" . A little thinking enabled me to hit up a bright idea . I had always wanted to write on European history , ---- not modern . Of course, that cannot be done casually . The result was this collection which is published with the purpose of creating interest for a study fo the spiritual achievements of the Western World .

I have made the bold suggestion that the world has hardly entered the stage of civilisation . The traditions of savagery and barbarism still dominate human spirit . But the achievements, so far made by the progress of science , give a glimpse of the real civilisation which must inspire all lovers of spiritual freedom to join in the great task of re-making the world .


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